Wellness Pod

While lying in MyCocoon Wellness Pod, you’re cradled in an Ergonomic Contour Bed and Soft Cushion Pillow. Your head remains outside the pod while you lie in it, fully and comfortably supported. Stiff joints and muscles become more supple when exposed to flexibility increasing infrared heat. Dry heat exposure helps open up pores which assists in releasing toxins and absorbing treatments. And, lastly, MyCocoon Wellness Pod encourages relaxation with a full body vibrational massage therapy. This creates a perfect setting for meditation.

Infrared lights heat you, not the enclosed air keeping you from feeling stifling hot. The three levels of near, mid and far-infrared lighting work to deliver a dry heat treatment that can be set from ambient to 180-degrees Fahrenheit. This infrared lighting treatment has been likened to stepping into a dry sauna. Exposure to dry heat accelerates heart rate, increasing the circulation of blood, usually doubling the flow of blood through the body.

Through perspiring and dilating blood vessels the body can detoxify. Infrared lights increase circulation, stimulate calorie burning and the production of collagen. Exposure to dry heat speeds metabolism efficiently, allowing your body is to burn calories instead of storing them as fat. Especially during fall and winter, joints become stiff and muscles tighten and ache. Additional benefits include improved skin, strengthened immune system, pain relief and reduced stress & fatigue


1-3 Sessions: You will leave feeling relaxed and refreshed. Your body is beginning to acclimate to the infrared light and you have experienced a small portion of health benefits - don’t stop here!

4-8 Sessions: You have started to unlock the powerful detoxification process. Your body is now starting to eliminate surface level toxins more efficiently through perspiration. You are raising your core temperature quicker and burning more calories as a result.

9-16 Sessions: Your body is fully acclimated and the real magic has begun! Complete cellular detoxification is underway. Eliminating harmful heavy metals. Aches, pains and stiffness are easing, circulating has increased and your overall stress levels are down. Your skin is glowing and renewed. You are in a state of complete relaxation.

17+ Sessions: You have completed lifestyle change. You are stress-free, sleeping better, and detoxifying at a deep cellar level. Your body heals naturally from within and burns a high amount of calories every session. You are living a happier, healthier life!

The Cocoon Benefits include:

* Soothing Hot Massage to relax muscles

* Burn Calories

* Lose Weight & Inches

* Increased Blood Circulation

* Increased Oxygen level

* Increased metabolism

* Increased Body Flexibility

* Supple Joints

* Muscle Relief

* Firm & Tone Body

* Detoxifies

* Rejuvenates Skin

* Relaxation/ Destress

* Balances Cortisol Levels (Cortisol is a hormone that rises with stress, when balanced, you'll be more relaxed)

* Promotes mental calmness

* Insomnia

* Moisturizes skin

* Clears airway Passages

* Fight against seasonal allergies

* Helps with Bronchitis